Devika MOELLA Real estate agent

Working area : KOUROU (97310) and its surroundings

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Do you have the project of buying or selling real estate? As an independant Real Estate Advisor, I will be delighted to accompany you. With the Capifrance network, I pledge to provide a personalized and consistent follow-up to achieve a successful transaction!

RSAC : 984 198 499 00019 Courts service city : KOUROU Status : MOELLA Devika EI Agent

3 Annonces

    KOUROU (973) Investment building

    408m² 447m² 6r

    825 000 €
    996 435 $
    717 503 £
    • Exclusivity
    KOUROU (973) House

    113m² 294m² 4r 3bed

    318 000 €
    384 080 $
    276 565 £
    • Exclusivity
    MATOURY (973) Apartment to renovate

    205m² 11r 7bed

    279 500 €
    337 580 $
    243 081 £
    • Exclusivity

    Contact me

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