Severine GINEYS Real estate agent

Working area : MONTELIMAR (26200) and its surroundings

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Vous souhaitez vendre un bien ou vous recherchez le logement de vos rêves, sur le secteur de Montélimar et ses alentours, forte d'une expérience immobilière au sein d'une agence traditionnelle

Je souhaite vous faire profiter de ma connaissance du secteur et du marché local,

N'hésitez pas à me contacter, je mettrai toute mon énergie et la puissance du réseau CAPIFRANCE

Pour vous aider à réaliser votre projet.

RSAC : 800 756 256 00023 Courts service city : ROMANS SUR ISERE Status : GINEYS Severine EI


6 Annonces

    MONTELIMAR (26) House

    77m² 30m² 3r 2bed

    169 000 €
    204 118 $
    146 979 £
    MONTELIMAR (26) Investment building

    120m² 4r

    222 000 €
    268 132 $
    193 073 £
    MONTELIMAR (26) Detached house

    120m² 5r 4bed

    315 000 €
    380 457 $
    273 956 £
    MONTELIMAR (26) Apartment

    64m² 4r 3bed

    75 000 €
    90 585 $
    65 228 £
    • Exclusivity
    26200 - MONTELIMAR (26) Apartment

    45m² 30m² 2r 1bed

    89 500 €
    108 098 $
    77 838 £
    • Exclusivity
    Business & Trade
    MONTELIMAR (26) Commercial premises

    55m² 2r

    34 900 €
    42 152 $
    30 353 £
    • Exclusivity

    Contact me

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    ¹ The data collected from this form is necessary to enable us to respond to your request. They are collected and processed electronically by the controller and transmitted either to the services of Capifrance or to our partners involved in the processing of your application. You have access rights for rectification, opposition, which you can exercise by contacting us at [email protected]. For more details, visit our general privacy policy page. In accordance with Article L 223-1 of the Consumer Code, the user is informed that he/she has the possibility to register on to refuse any solicitation by telephone except customer relationships already established.